DeoQuest and TweetignwithGOD


For children who suffer

November 2022

The Pope's prayer intention (November 2022)

We pray for children who are suffering, especially those who are homeless, orphans, and victims of war; may they be guaranteed access to education and the opportunity to experience family affection.

Should we care for those who suffer?

God intended the world to be a good place, and he suffers whenever people are poor, sick, weak and suffering. It is our task to fight evil and to diminish the suffering and pain of the people around us where we can. God needs you to make the world a better place! You may have many questions about this: the Tweeting with GOD app can help you find answers.


1.34 Did God create evil? What does it have to do with my sins?

1.35 If God is all-powerful, why do disasters happen? Why is there evil?

1.36 Is it the Will of God that people die?

1.37 Can suffering help us to come closer to God?

4.02 What should I do with my life?

5.02 Everything is uncertain: where can I find firm ground?

5.05 How can this time of pain and suffering bring about something good?

5.13 Is global suffering or crisis a punishment of God?

5.14 Is it not hypocritical to turn to God only in a crisis?

5.15 What does the Bible teach about facing a crisis?

7.39 Can there be a sense to my suffering? Is euthanasia a solution?

7.54 I am trying to do God’s Will; why does so much seem to go wrong?

8.08 Why does God not answer our prayers and help the sick?

8.30 I am worried and desperate; is life always going to be such a challenge? How to stay motivated and avoid burnout?

8.31 Will God punish me for feeling miserable and alone?

8.32 Is there a Christian way to deal with depression?

8.43 How can I overcome my anger or hatred?


For an overview of the other prayer themes, click here.