DeoQuest and TweetignwithGOD


Help us to continue our mission!

Financially support Tweeting with GOD’s mission of explaining and proclaiming the Catholic faith all around the world! We rely entirely on supporters like you to implement our projects, which include Online with Saints and Your neighbour is GOD. Your contribution will make a real difference!

All donations are used for funding our evangelising activities. Any amount, small or large, is important. We thank you in advance for your generosity!

Donations can be made in several ways:

  • Via CreditCard or PayPal
    Please consider supporting us with a small monthly or one-off donation to JP2 Stichting. Simply select "Make this a monthly donation" when you process your payment. Your donation will be processed through the reliable and secure PayPal platform. You will be charged the equivalent in your own currency.
Donate 5 Euro Tweeting with GODDonate 10 Euro Tweeting with GODDonate 20 Euro Tweeting with GODDonate 50 Euro Tweeting with GODDonate Tweeting with GOD
  • By bank transfer:
    Bank: ING Bank
    Account holder: JP2 Stichting Leiden
    Purpose of payment: "Tweeting with GOD" or “CMC app”
    IBAN: NL31 INGB 0005717224

    Address of the bank:
    ING Bank NV Foreign Operations
    P.O. Box 1800
    NL-1000 BV Amsterdam
    The Netherlands

    Donations to JP2 Stichting are tax deductible in the European Union, as the foundation is recognised as an institution serving the public interest (ANBI). More information on the JP2 Stichting can be found here.
  • Donations at regular intervals. This can offer interesting tax benefits, depending on your country. Under Dutch tax law, no lower or upper limits apply to tax-deductible amounts.  Please contact us for more information.
  • Remember Tweeting with GOD when drawing up your will. Please contact us for more information.