For faith-filled young people

The Pope's prayer intention (May 2022)
We pray for all young people, called to live life to the fullest; may they see in Mary’s life the way to listen, the depth of discernment, the courage that faith generates, and the dedication to service.
Do young people have a special vocation in the Church?
Not only are young people the future of the Church: Pope Francis reminds us that they are here right now...As such, they are the present, the now of the Church! They are the young face of Christ, in search of a faith to give meaning to their lives. With their joy, dreams, and goodwill, they can change the world. You may have many questions about this: the Tweeting with GOD app can help you find answers.
2.01 What is the Church? Who is part of the Church?
2.14 Can I be a good Christian without the Church?
3.37 With Confirmation, does the Holy Spirit descend on us for a second time?
3.50 Why are we sent away at the end of Mass?
4.01 Why are we here on earth?
4.02 What should I do with my life?
4.04 How can I follow Jesus, and what is my calling?
4.05 What are examples of real vocations?
4.06 How can I know the Will of God?
7.21 Is there a Christian way of communicating online? Should we be involved in social media?
7.24 Why is church music so boring? What makes lyrics suitable for Christians?
7.25 Can I be a faithful Catholic and love video-gaming?
7.54 I am trying to do God’s Will; why does so much seem to go wrong?
8.28 What if I am insecure, shy, or have a low self-esteem? How can I be more myself?
For an overview of the other prayer themes, click here.