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7.21 Is there a Christian way of communicating online? Should we be involved in social media?

Multimedia - #OnlineSaints

Means of communication are not bad in themselves, and we can put them to good or evil use. If we are to proclaim the gospel wherever people are, we also need to do so online.

Bishop Fulton used all the means of communication of his time to speak about God’s love for us. If every Christian were to do the same with fervour, today’s social networks would look very different. You can even become an online missionary! Are you ready to join us?

For more on this saint, scan the picture with the app Online with Saints or click:

Venerable Fulton Sheen

Also online we should behave as Christians. We need to use every means of communication to speak about God’s truth, so also social media, in an authentic, positive, and loving way.