3.4 Helpt bidden om het juiste besluit te nemen?
Om te ontdekken wat God van ons wil, moeten we leren herkennen hoe Hij tot ons spreekt: in de diepte van ons hart. Luisteren naar God betekent luisteren naar onze diepste gevoelens. Alleen diep in onszelf kunnen we de Wil van God vinden.
Het is goed te onderscheiden welke verlangens van de Heilige Geest komen en welke niet. Daarbij heb je de hulp van God nodig. Als je gevonden hebt wat je moet doen, zul je echt rust en vrede ervaren in jezelf. Dat gevoel is wat God voor ieder van ons wil, omdat het ons laat ervaren wat goed is.
When did Jesus pray?
The Gospel often shows Jesus at prayer. We see him draw apart to pray in solitude, even at night. He prays before the decisive moments of his mission or that of his apostles. In fact, all his life is a prayer because he is in a constant communion of love with the Father. [CCCC 542]
How did Jesus pray?
Jesus’ life was one single prayer. At decisive moments (his temptation in the desert, his selection of the apostles, his death on the Cross) his prayer was especially intense. Often he withdrew into solitude to pray, especially at night. Being one with the Father in the Holy Spirit—that was the guiding principle of his earthly life. [Youcat 475]
“You will show me the path to life, fullness of joy in your presence, the delights at your right hand forever” (Ps 15(16):11). Every vocation, every path to which Christ calls us, ultimately leads to fulfilment and happiness, because it leads to God, to sharing in God’s own life... Who receives the Good News is joyous, is radiant with joy, and also gives the joy to others. [Pope John Paul II, Homily to the ‘International Youth Forum’, 13 Jan. 1995]