3.1 Pourquoi prier et comment faire ?
Prier, c’est parler avec Dieu, pas juste à lui. Quand tu pries, tu prends le temps de connaître Dieu et de construire une relation avec lui, ce qui est important pour tout chrétien. Jésus a dit à ses disciples de prier souvent (Lc 22,46)Lc 22,46 : Il leur dit : « Pourquoi dormez-vous ? Relevez-vous et priez, pour ne pas entrer en tentation. ». Mais la prière n’est pas une chose facile. Comment commencer, que dire ?
L’essentiel est de se rendre compte que Dieu est toujours avec toi, même là maintenant pendant que tu surfes sur le net. Rien ne t’empêche de fermer les yeux là maintenant et de dire à Dieu ce que tu as sur le cœur. Demande-lui de l’aide, dis-lui ce que tu trouves difficile, et remercie-le pour ce que tu as reçu. C’est ça, prier !
What is prayer?
Prayer is turning the heart toward God. When a person prays, he enters into a living relationship with God.
Prayer is the great gate leading into faith. Someone who prays no longer lives on his own, for himself, and by his own strength. He knows there is a God to whom he can talk. People who pray entrust themselves more and more to God. Even now they seek union with the one whom they will encounter one day face to face. Therefore, the effort to pray daily is part of Christian life. Of course, one cannot learn to pray in the same way one learns a technique. As strange as it sounds, prayer is a gift one obtains through prayer. [Youcat 469]
Amid our ordinary human occupations we cannot lose contact with Christ. We need special moments set apart exclusively for prayer. Prayer is indispensable, both in personal life and in the apostolate. There can be no authentic Christian witness unless we have first been strengthened by prayer. Prayer is the source of inspiration, energy and courage in the face of difficulties and obstacles: it is the source of perseverance and of the ability to take initiatives with renewed strength. [Pope John Paul II, Homily in Gorzov, 2 June 1997]