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3.16 Que sont les reliques ?

Traditions et dévotions

Une relique est le souvenir tangible d’un saint. Les reliques sont souvent un bout d’étoffe ou de corps du saint. Ce n’est pas aussi bizarre que ça en a l’air : il suffit de penser aux personnes qui gardent un bijou, une mèche de cheveux, ou d'autres choses d'un proche décédé. 

Le fait que nous pouvons nous rapprocher et même toucher les reliques d’un saint peut nous aider dans notre foi. Comme les saints, nous pouvons devenir véritablement et pleinement heureux quand nous essayons de rester proches de Dieu et d’aimer notre prochain.

Les reliques sont des souvenirs tangibles des saints qui nous aident à penser à eux et à demander leurs prières.
The Wisdom of the Church

What forms of popular piety accompany the sacramental life of the Church?

The religious sense of the Christian people has always found expression in the various forms of piety which accompany the sacramental life of the Church such as the veneration of relics, visits to sanctuaries, pilgrimages, processions, the stations of the cross and the rosary. The Church sheds the light of faith upon and fosters authentic forms of popular piety. [CCCC 353]

Is it permissible to venerate relics?

The veneration of relics is a natural human need, a way of showing respect and reverence to the persons who are venerated. Relics of saints are properly venerated when the faithful praise God’s work in people who have devoted themselves completely to God. [Youcat 275]

This is what the Popes say

John Damascene [spoke of] the veneration of the relics of Saints, on the basis of the conviction that the Christian Saints, having become partakers of the Resurrection of Christ, cannot be considered simply "dead". Numbering, for example, those whose relics or images are worthy of veneration, John states... "First of all [let us venerate] those among whom God reposed, he alone Holy, who reposes among the Saints (cf. Is 57:15), such as the Mother of God and all the Saints. These are those who, as far as possible, have made themselves similar to God by their own will; and by God's presence in them, and his help, they are really called gods (cf. Ps 82:6). [Pope Benedict XVI, General Audience, 6 May 2009]