Navigating with GOD

This book is about you. Find answers to hundreds of questions asked by people like you 


Do you have questions about God, the Bible, prayer, ethics or lifestyle?  Navigating with GOD (previously Tweeting with GOD), a book by Father Michel Remery, helps you to find clear and concise answers. 

This international bestseller is released in over 30 language editions. It features hundreds of answers to questions asked by young people with explanations deeply rooted in the Christian tradition. It is intended for people or all ages who want to improve their knowledge of the faith or are curious about what the Church has to say. 

Tweeting with GOD book


Navigating with GOD is for:

  • Individuals who are curious about the Catholic faith
  • New Catholics and current catechumens
  • Anyone who wants to freshen up their knowledge of the faith
  • Those who want to speak with others about the faith


  • Groups preparing to receive Confirmation, Eucharist, Matrimony…
  • Youth groups and teen groups
  • Ongoing adult catechesis in parishes
  • Teachers and (god)parents


Find answers to hundreds of Questions

In addressing the main aspects of the Christian faith, the book speaks of God and Creation, the Church, prayer, liturgy, morality and Christian life. In total, it contains over 200 responses presented in richly illustrated double-pages. Together with the concise summarising boxes this helps those who have no habit of reading longer texts. 


Easy, simple and objective

This is not your ordinary book. There is no need to start on page 1: you can open the book at a question of your interest and simply start reading. The book’s index will quickly help you find the question you are interested in. 




Integration with the DeoQuest app

Use the free app to scan the picture of each question and explore extra information, online material, and videos. Through a close integration technology and printed books,  DeoQuest offers you a truly multimedia experience! Download the DeoQuest app here.


Questions by people like you

Navigating with GOD was born from questions addressed by young people to Father Michel Remery during meetings in the Netherlands. There were no taboos or subjects that could not be talked about. The group spoke freely and deeply. They lived in a secularised society and the meetings helped them recognise the importance of faith in their lives. 



For all who want to deepen their faith

Whilst the programme was developed by and for young people, it addresses everyone who desires to know more about the faith and is looking for answers. This includes adults and young people who wish to become Catholics and those who are preparing to receive the Sacrament of Baptism, Confirmation, First Communion, or Marriage, for example. 


A resource for teachers, leaders and catechists

Navigating with GOD offers special support to youth leaders, catechists and teachers. In many places the book is used in schools and institutes. Also parents, godparents and all those related to children and young adults feel that they are helped when confronted with complex questions about the faith. 

We want to help people grow in their relationship with God. In many places, groups have been formed, where participants have intense dialogues inspired by the Questions in the Navigating with GOD book.

The course How to grow in faith shows how easy it is to use Navigating with GOD book for faith formation in schools, groups, parishes, and communities. Read more about this program here.