8.15 Is my confession really secret? Do priests only work Sundays? Why are they called Father and dress in black?
Sacraments - #OnlineSaints
Yes, a priest will never tell a soul about your confession. He is here to help you on your path with God. You can always approach a priest for help. You can speak to him as to a good father or friend. Traditionally priests dress simply in dark colours as a sign that this is not about them but about God.
Father John was severely beaten and thrown into the river, allegedly because he did not want to reveal anything that he heard in confession. The TwGOD app helps you to prepare for confession (> Catholic Prayers > 7. The Sacraments). Does this help you find courage to go to confession more often?
For more on this saint, scan the picture with the app Online with Saints or click:
→Saint John Nepomuk
The seal of confession is absolute, and a priest would rather die than reveal what was said in confession. He wears black out of modesty, is a father to his flock, and available all week.