2.10 What do all the colours mean? Who’s who?
The many colours of the Church demonstrate that there are numerous ways in which people can serve God. The pope wears a white robe, also known as a cassock. Cardinals – the closest collaborators of the pope – wear red cassocks.
Bishops wear black cassocks with purple piping and a purple sash. Priests wear a simple black cassock. In daily life all prelates and clerics often wear a black suit with roman collar. Religious fathers, brothers and sisters can be recognised by their habit: each religious order has a different colour or colour combination.
What are the degrees of the sacrament of Holy Orders?
The sacrament of Holy Orders has three degrees: bishop (episcopate), priest (presbyterate), deacon (diaconate). [Youcat 251]
In the presence and ministry of the bishops, of priests and of deacons we can recognize the true face of the Church: it is the Hierarchical Holy Mother Church… it is not about having a position of prestige, an honorific charge. The Bishop is not an honorary role. It is a service! Jesus wanted it this way. [Pope Francis, General Audience, 5 Nov. 2014]