8.32 Is there a Christian way to deal with depression?
Desolation - #OnlineSaints
Jane was a beautiful and refined woman. After seven years of a very happy marriage, her husband died in an accident. Jane was inconsolable and fell into a deep depression.
With the help of her spiritual director Saint Francis de Sales, she gradually learned to recognise how God loved her very much. This was the beginning of a new way to face her depression, which helped her to accept the inevitable and make most of her life. With the help of God’s grace you can do the same!
For more on this saint, scan the picture with the app Online with Saints or click:
→ Saint Jane Frances de Chantal
First of all, trust that Jesus is with you in your suffering: you are not alone! Try to see beyond your illness recognising the path that God has prepared for you. He will give you strength.