8.10 Can I pray more than once for something? What is intercessory prayer? What are ways to pray for other people?
Supplication - #OnlineSaints
Jesus told us to ask, search, and knock – every day again (Mt 7:7-12). We can repeat our requests over and again in prayer, not only for yourself but especially also for others. If we pray for others, we intercede for them with God, hence the term intercessory prayer.
Monica’s son Augustine was led astray and seemed to be lost. But she never gave up hope and prayed for his conversion every day. Eventually Augustine did indeed find the way to God, and Monica continued to pray intensely, now in thanksgiving. What do you want to pray for incessantly?
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→Saint Monica
Yes, praying persistently with faith can be very powerful. Intercession is to pray for other people. You can do so by asking God for what they need specifically at this moment.